Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy Memories for Jeb!

I saw this posted on a friends  blog and I thought it looked like fun and I thought Jeb would love to hear good memories from friends and family.

1. Add a comment on the blog, leave one (or 2 or 3...) memory that you and Jeb had together. It doesn't matter if you knew Jeb a little or a lot, anything you remember!


Erin Leigh said...

I love the Eric, Jeb and Andrew videos. We still watch Sprockets and laugh hysterically when Jeb rips his pants. David is going to try and post a few of those videos soon

David said...

If I didn't know Jeb then I wouldn't know Poop Dollar. Yeah, I know, what a wonderful association. But poop dollar is awesome! Best entertainment $1 can buy.

mom said...

this is an awesome blog!!!! thanks Erin for doing this for our family:) Jebbie and Britt....... WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! love, mom

Amy said...

ill always remember going swimming with jeb in our pool. riding on his back, that was SO fun. haha and i remember when he would take matthew's swimsuit off and then throw matthew outside of the pool...during the day. one time matthew fell out naked and stayed lying there on the ground, everyone was like, matthew? you ok? i cant remember what was wrong with him.

mav said...

I mostly remember all the rides together on the way to church with Jeb and fam -- but I think I did see those videos as well. Though I'm not sure Jeb knew that... :)

McKelle said...

So many great memories of Jeb. I was lucky enough to marry into his friendship (by marrying Morgan). Thinking of Jeb, I can't help but picture his huge smile, great laugh, and constant happiness. And all of the memories that Morg and Matt have told me about them are pretty dang funny! No more killing fish with pepper okay!

McKelle said...

Jeb...this will be in code for those who don't speak the language of the gadianton robbers....remember snowballs, kicking people in the teeth, megaphone yelling, pizza pie!, slurpee showers, bb gun nights, rexburg rioting, sobe bombs, cleaning your dads tires....oh and last but not least...getting arrested for being your passenger. Dude..we need to write a book about all this. Brit, I need to talk to you about a supplement that might help jebs immune system..matt and I have a friend that got us a free supply of it, it has some amazing properties I just need to know where to send it. Love you ZEB,
actually it's morg but duke always loved you more than me.

Stanley said...

I miss having Jeb come down and visit me with Matt in Utah. He would always laugh and help us convince Nate he was wrong about something he knew "100 percent" Most fondly I remember him holding a 30 pound boulder in front of an abandoned car asking "should I do it?" before throwing it through the driver's window where it hit the steering wheel and broke the horn making it constantly go off and making us flee the scene immediately.

mom said...

oh my gossssssh!!!!!!!!!!!! somethings moms dont need to know!

Unknown said...

hmmmmm....Poop Dollar. Yes, David, you are a better person now that you know about that. Thank you for that one Jeb, Andrew, Matt ;)

oh yes, and Jeb...I've seen Sprockets at your sisters now....haha, that's the best. I want a reunion film!!!

Mary said...

Where do you start with all the memories I have of Jeb and what fun we all had together! :) There are the video's in Andrews basement, the bus rides to the temple, Seminary in the early morning. Man there are alot of great ones.

Cultura de Esp 21 said...

How about when we played with Dan? Him on drums, you on bass, and me on guitar. Man, we were tight, and played some pretty cool stuff. I wish we had kept that going. Whenever we played guitars together, we could just improvise and follow eachother perfectly-we would sometimes get into some pretty weird stuff, but we always knew where we were going with it. Don't forget about Manypoint-sleeping in, skipping merit badge class, and playing our weird math guitar stuff.